Usage statistics | Alexander Street

Usage statistics

We now offer usage stats within our enhanced admin portal to obtain your institution’s usage information of collections. This portal offers many benefits, including COUNTER 5-compliant reports, SUSHI-enabled reports, and customized reports you can export by title, subject, and collection. 

To access the your stats visit

To download a printable quick reference guide on how to use the new portal, click here.

Watch these short videos to get the most out of the admin portal:

If you already have an account on the existing stats website, you may use those log in credentials on this site.

If you need to create an account on the enhanced admin portal, please contact us at

Please note that if your institution has not started using this portal, you will not see any usage. For a list of all the collections that are currently available on the new interface, please visit our interface FAQ. As collections are added to the new interface, you will be able to access their usage stats through the new portal.

The existing stats website is still available to track usage on the “old” interface at  If some patrons are using the new interface and some are using the old interface, you will need to obtain stats from both sites until everyone is using the new interface. To download a quick reference guide on using the old platform, click here.

Usage Statistics Legend

For terms and definitions related to the NEW stats portal, please see Appendix A of the COUNTER Code of Practice for eResources.

For terms and definitions relating to the existing stats portal, please see below.

  • Playbacks: any streaming of an audio or video file, regardless of duration.
  • Searches: any page generated through a search (quick search box, advanced search box, prelimits, manipulated URLs) or browse pages accessed.
  • Session: any interaction between Alexander Street Press’ systems and a specific IP, with the end session defined as “no activity for 5:00.”
  • Pageview: recorded for every page generated in the user interfaces, from homepages and the advanced search page, to video/audio work pages and composer pages.
  • Peak SU: the highest number of simultaneous users during the period reported. So, “2” would mean that the most customers using the database at the same time at the institution was 2.
  • Turnaways: indicates that a user was rejected access because the maximum number of simultaneous users had been reached.