Next Generation Music for Libraries | ALA Anaheim Roundtable Event | Alexander Street

Next Generation Music for Libraries | ALA Anaheim Roundtable Event

11:00 - 11:45 AM: Next Generation Music for Libraries

Roundtable led by Tim Lloyd, chief operating officer
Doubletree Anaheim, Tuscany B

On-site drawing will be for a one-year subscription to Classical Music in Video

Services like Spotify, YouTube, and Vimeo have changed the landscape of streaming audio and video over the past five years.  But are they serving teaching and research needs?  Come join our roundtable discussion to voice your opinions and share ideas for ensuring that library services continue to develop as our online experience becomes increasingly integrated and social.
We’ll also unwrap our new audio clip functionality, show some of the exciting new content we’ve added over the last few months (including video masterclasses from Classical Music in Video and contemporary scores from Classical Scores Library), and share some of the new product ideas we’re investigating.